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Pastor Denver DeWees

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Rev. Denver B. DeWees - Executive Associate Pastor

I am Rev. Denver B. DeWees. Over the past fifteen years, I have served in all aspects of the church, including children’s ministries, youth, men, missions, and outreach. I currently serve as Executive Associate Pastor, performing executive, preaching, and teaching duties as well as pastoral counseling and discipleship. During my time at Aztec Church of the Nazarene, we have seen not only physical growth but also spiritual growth, which has far exceeded our expectations. Throughout my pastoral ministry, my wife Amelia has served alongside me in all areas of ministry. We have a daughter, Samantha, who is attending UNM Medical School. I am a bi-vocational pastor. In my secular life, I direct safety for a local electric utility. I am also passionate about Christian outreach and evangelism. Over the years, I have performed mission work both locally and internationally.

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